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\AAG\ Anti-Abrahamism General

No.14345380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>objective: liberate Aryan minds from the grasp of the nefarious Jewish fabrication known as Yahveh
>POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS: religion affects ideology and as a result policy; it also affects demographics (cf Christian and Jewish pro-immigrant organizations)
>thread: save the first three posts and do occasionally create a thread if there isn't already one

Some Christians on this site may in fact be White so we need to raise awareness about the spiritual trap that is (Judeo)-Christianity and save them from this multiracial deception.

To stimulate discussion, here are a few facts that apply to MOST conservative Christians (traditional Catholics, Orthodox, Lutherans, Baptists, etc):
>They worship Yahveh, the god of Levi
>Every Sunday they sing in Hebrew "Praise be Yah" (Hallejujah)
>They can marry Negro Christians (these unions are sanctioned by bishops, priests, pastors, etc)
>They cannot marry non-Christian Whites
>They preach that Levi and Moses were great people who are in Heaven
>They genuinely believe the Supreme Being told the Jews not to eat certain foods (eg pork, catfish, shrimps)
>They think dying for Yahveh results in a great heavenly reward (Rev 6:9)
>They think dying a virgin results in a great heavenly reward (1 Cor 7:8-9, Rev 14:3-4)
>Many of them (eg Catholics) preach that Yahveh put their "Pagan" ancestors in hell
>They believe the Biblical story of Egypt to be true and not a Jewish fabrication (!)
>They believe circumcision is a proper and Holy practice decreed by God
Faced with these charges, the great majority of which aren't even up for debate as they will (reluctantly) admit to them, Christians will declare: "It's more complicated !". Europe was fantastic before Christianity (Rome, Greece), during (Middle-Ages), and after (Renaissance, Enlightenment), while African Christian nations have always been and are still completely destitute; yet many dishonest Abrahamists will equate European civilization with Christianity, not the Aryan race. Discuss.