>>14367254>qway and sharty were/are filled with schizophrenia and insanity of people namedropping eachother and creating boogeymen/discord drama because there's no flags or IDs. If you wanna samechud you just change your IP for a sec and it's true, perfect samefagging that can't exist elsewhereSpoken like someone that has no idea what they're talking about since they just found out about the 'party last week and want to find some way to blame so yteens for it. Problem retard? There's no desuarchive on us so you can pretend to be an oldfag, dear nigger.
>sharty sucks donkey balls so try to be optimistic and establish /qa2/ here with the restMy friend, nigger, you're not very bright so you try to diss anything and be a drag because coming up with anything creative and fun is hard for you. It must be taking all your brain power, nigger, to even type anything past the twitter character cap.
>>14367268>buh-buh bunker soiteen schizosYou type like you're having a stroke because you're either ESL or failed 10th grade English. Nigger, oh dear nigger, can you write something worth reading?