>>14387247I agree, but you have to remember that this is only a select, very loud few who are part of the same loud, vocal minority of the mentally I’ll people they cater to. The psychiatrists at least. A surgeon is a surgeon and if someone is willing to pay the thousands of dollars for a cosmetic operation that’s at least allowable and willing to risk lawsuits for failures and complications (or deal with hefty contracts) I’m sure they don’t mind turning a penis into a gaping pus canyon. The surgeon field is filled with literal psychopaths who are incapable of feeling empathy because it’s a requirement of performing surgery that you don’t get worked up literally carving another person apart. To them, making a bacteria ridden wound where male genitalia once was is no different than removing a benign tumor. It’s a paycheck and they’re happy to oblige. These people would make human centipedes for money if it was an allowable cosmetic surgery.