>>14389322They don't. Most genuinely have no idea who they're in bed with.
>>14389332Tens of millions are helpless and cannot handle home ownership and have become so mired in bad habits they can't bring themselves to learn the basics.
>>14393067Some do. The pemanent undergrad will write you a 30 page essay explaining why they in particular do. Many people spending 20 years at college these days. Right now we're still living in the shadow of de Tocqueville. The myth of American solidarity is almost comical; this was always the place to fight to the death to become Baron von Shitbag for 2 generations until your stupid grandson gambles your toil away. A long, long period of low interest rates and foreign manipulation have created one of the most predatory rental markets ever. The "entrepreneur" has nothing contempt for the employee. America also has a love of hoisting the execrable by their own petards, so even as Small Landlord Samir smirks at Soiboi Shaughn, Blackrock is engineering a change in borrowing rates and an attack on leverage that will force Samir to sell at least some of his properties to them, at which point they'll start pressuring his rents and force further divesture. Basically if you look at your community as a resource to exploit and not a bastion of civilisation you can strengthen, you will get yours in the end. Many of the renters are terrible. The landlords are terrible. A service economy brings out the worst in everyone. And we're all drowning in our owned poisoned thoughts.