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>R: 17 / I: 4
>This is a map of the European Union. The countries painted blue are those which political class is composed by citizens of the own state (ex. German politicians are mostly German citizens, etc). But in the countries painted red, the political class is composed by demonic beings, who come from the abyss and LARP as humans, to the sole purpose of bringing pain, suffering and misery to the human race. No actual human can go far in the politics of those countries, for those evil creatures will prevent them to gain access to important positions and will turn them into their minions. Their goal is no other but to rob all our money and destroy those countries forever, after that they will go repeat the process in wealthier countries until the entire humanity is immersed in misery.
>R: 202 / I: 69
>O B L I T E R A T E D: Lmao
>R: 41 / I: 10
>>be gay guy >decently masculine, good jawline, broad shoulders, muscular, like how I look >except I have lots of body hair, hate how it looks Why does it have to be like this? Is it just a cost of having high T? I look great but than body hair has to come along and make me look all disheveled and dirty! It doesn’t keep