>>14399214There is an intransigent minority of people who for whatever reason find a lot of short-term emotional gratification in babyraging at everything. After the concept of "netiquette" vanished virtually overnight with the advent of smartphones and Facebook-for-non-college-students, these people congregated into little informal cliques on the various social media sites, compulsively farmed likes off of each other, and became disproportionately active compared to saner people who just want to enjoy themselves. Because they enjoy this kind of activity to the point of addiction and have no barriers to behaving this way so long as they curate their babyraging to fall in line with the ToS of whatever site they're on, they have no incentives whatsoever to NOT act this way, while their very overactive presence creates a negative feedback loop which drives everyone else to not socialize online as much. Most people still post online occasionally, but the feedback loop has ultimately created a situation where 99% of online social activity is conducted by the ~5% or so of people who find acting this way rewarding. There are some small grains of truth underlying the whole "dead internet" schizo-meme, and this is one of them.