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ID:AFOOu1/+ No.14425290 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So this is an autistic fantasy alphabet I made up with Open Office's symbols to an original D&D setting I'm trying to create. This alphabet is meat to be used for English and Germanic languages. I wondered how the german tribes would have adopted the Phoenician alphabet to their languages. And yes, I know the runes and the Gothic alphabet exist, but I don't like them and my writing programs don't recognize their unicode anyway, so I decided to create my own:
Ɋɋ = a (English a)
βɞ = b
Ɗɖ = d
Ɔɠ = dh (equivalent to the nordic ð, for example: the "th" from "the")
Ƹƹ = e (English e)
Əə = eh (romance e)
Ѵѵ = f
Gɕ = g (soft, French g)
ϴѳ = h
Ɉȷ = i
Ըɽ = kh (hard g, like the Dutch and German g and ch)
Kƙ =k
Ʌʎ = l
Ɲɴ = m
Ͷͷ = n
Ʊɒ = o
Ոɧ = p
Ƥƥ = r
Ȥȥ = s and z
Ʈʈ = t
Ʋʮ = uh (romance a)
Ɯɰ = u
Бδ = v (German/Dutch w)
Ƌƍ = w (English w)
Xχ = x
Ƴƴ = y and j
Ƶƶ = th (like the "th" from "think")
This alphabet isn't meant to have duplicated letters. Instead, a single quote is used before a letter to indicate that it's long or has emphasis ('ȥ = ss)