>>14430659Once upon a time, on the edge of the flat earth in a mythical land called antarctica, there lived penguins. Not all the penguins of course, but most of them. Some of them live off the coast of south africa, or something like that, but they're not part of this story. Specifically, this story pertains to the monarch penguins, which, while still clearly penguins, often resemble cute little princes or princesses respectively, which is how they got their name.
The monarch penguins were all very self-important, in a very cute way. I can't stress that enough. Think of the kind of confidence a small child has when telling you all about something in which they've decided they have a great interest. Wow, cute.
The penguins were very hungry, but there had been a lot of big scary seals this year lurking in the water, and because the monarch penguins were so cute, they were the favourite of the rena seals, which love to eat cute things the most, and are very cute themselves.