Currently reading /bant/. Here's what I just read:
Anonymous (ID: +C/I0jqu) 07/16/17(Sun)02:41:02 No.1445101▶
>>1445109 >>1445164what is /bant/ currently reading? I'll start. 1984
>> Anonymous (ID: 3RFEcr7N) 07/16/17(Sun)02:42:27 No.1445109▶
>>1445118 >>1445132 >>1445135>>1445101 (OP)i'm reading the sequel to that. 1986
>> Anonymous (ID: CQJuk7Xy) 07/16/17(Sun)02:43:22 No.1445118▶
>>1445135>>1445109woah, im reading 1988
>> Anonymous (ID: ye3PAjuY) 07/16/17(Sun)02:45:24 No.1445132▶
>>1445109i'm reading the prequel to that. 1982
>> Anonymous (ID: +C/I0jqu) 07/16/17(Sun)02:45:49 No.1445135▶
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>>1445118>>1445109you win this time faggots
>> Anonymous (ID: CQJuk7Xy) 07/16/17(Sun)02:46:43 No.1445139▶
>>1445135sorry for the /bant/ing op
im reading Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein because Im a child
>> Anonymous (ID: 3zdorbrY) 07/16/17(Sun)02:48:02 No.1445146▶
Joyland. Pretty good so far.
>> Anonymous (ID: RRdY4qG7) 07/16/17(Sun)02:51:03 No.1445164▶
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>>1445101 (OP)Terry Pratchett's Unseen University. I am going to chomp the entire Discworld series by the end of the summer. It's breddy gud.
Pretty shitty so far if you ask me.