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Rules of this board

ID:uwkE5ifF No.14463158 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>There should be at least one (1) schizo poster that replies to himself every single minute. If this poster suddenly stops posting, someone needs to replace him immediately.
>There should be at least one (1) annoying unfunny spammer that posts among other things: pepe, wojak or both accompanied of irrelevant text. There should be at least 5 people posting through proxies bumping such threads.
>There should be at least 5 Cirno threads on permabump by bots or moderators. Janitors can be fired if they delete one by mistake.
>There should be at least one (1) Kpoop thread. If someone tries to spam such thread it will be confronted with a rangeban.
>Any post with porn content could be arbitrarily treated as porn dump and thus banning the uploader for 3 days. This also applies to pony content.
>Any thread with an interesting topic should be avoided and the OP should be called "tranny" or "chud" indistinctly.
>Imported trash from /pol/ should be treated with respect and at least one (1) "person" should bump these threads to the first page if any of them reach page 10, even if 99% of people refuses to interact with such threads.
>Crude drawings in mspaint should be treated with more welcoming than any other drawings with more anatomically accurate or stylized design. Posters should refer to the latter as "tranime".