There are 3 reasons why glownigger memes are so pathetic:
>they're formulaic
The formula is always the same: pick some globohomo narrative and associate everyone who disagrees with it with some random negative image that isn't too offensive and can still be posted on reddit. The Chud was a great example, and now monkey Putin.
>they're repetitive
You have to remember that trannies and shills are still only nigger cattle. They may think that picking the side of the globohomos makes them better than you but at the end of the day, they're not allowed to deviate from the formula or to have any individual thoughts. Their job is to spam the meme all day and not ask questions.
But by far the most important problem:
>they're pointless
Anti-globohomo memes always catch on because they have a greater purpose: to stop the globohomo agenda and prevent the world from being turned into nigger cattle. That's a powerful message that everyone can get behind. But glownigger memes have no purpose. What does anyone have to gain from the globohomo agenda? And that's why you should encourage trannies to end their shit.