>>14648566i was looking into my options for classes next semester and realized it could be my last one if i take one more class than a standard schedule. now i basically have to decide between three major paths
i could take 6 classes next semester (5 is standard) and graduate in december. i wouldn't be able to study abroad and would end up taking some classes that i would care less about, but i'd save around 4 months, ~$2250 minimum, and could still travel independently as a tourist afterwards
i could take the 1-3 classes i'm most interested in next semester, then do my last one in japan. this would end up being very expensive and might still leave me taking random filler classes in japan, but would mean i get to do my travelling through school which is much more efficient as far as cost per day spent abroad as well as allowing me to experience the structure of a japanese "working" environment as apposed to just tourism
lastly i could take the middle option of doing two 3-class semesters. it would be more expensive than the first option, i wouldn't be graduating until april 2023, and i'd still have to travel on my own dime afterwards, but overall it would be less expensive than study abroad, i'd stick only to classes that i'd be excited to take, and my schedule would be more easy going
as it stands i think option 3 looks much worse than the others, but options 1 and 2 are really quite a tight race. they get complicated a lot by big unknowns like scholarships, financial aid, and travel restrictions as well
>>14648582it's not as though i put a lot of stock into the value of songwriting in the first place
very strange, sounds like a massive pain
>>14648643well that's just impractical
sure i guess but i want to know
i think i begin translating tweets