>>14645240Note from the next president's party.:
"The PT in the Senate condemns the long-term US policy of aggression towards Russia and the continued expansion of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) towards Russian borders. It is a bellicose policy, which has never been justified, within the principles that govern Public International Law.
This imperialist policy produced the geopolitical framework that explains the current conflict in Ukraine. Such a conflict, it should be noted, is basically a conflict between the US and Russia. The US does not accept a strong Russia and a China that tends to outperform them economically.
However, Russia's recent bet on war, even if partial and with merely military objectives, also attacks Public International Law and the collective security system crystallized in the UN.
Therefore, the PT in the Senate regrets and condemns this reckless bet on war.
Consider that the definitive militarization of this conflict is a threat not only to the parties involved, but also to the whole world, including Brazil, as it involves nuclear powers. In this war, everyone will be a loser.
The PT in the Senate defends the immediate cessation of hostilities and calls on all parties involved to return to the negotiating table, based on the Minsk agreements."