if it's under 15 miles away, I'll always ride my De Rosa there
>If you're on a good CF frame with CF rims and aren't fat as fuck, you can hit 20-25mph on flats or 28+ on descents>if you're trapped in a hazard zone (city) riding somewhere is almost always faster than driving>99% of issues can be fixed roadside with like 3lbs of spare parts you keep in a saddlebag>never need to pay for parking>can't find somewhere to lock up? literally just bring that fucker in the building with you>riding centuries and gran fondos is comfy as fuck>get to totally ignore all traffic laws>cops literally cannot follow you>do not need to register>do not need to pay tax>do not need inspections>no killswitch>never get pulled over>get to irritate karens and basedboys>a uniquely satisfying road rage occurs when you piss off another cyclist and you're faster than them so they shoot their wad trying to catch up and scream at you as you speed awayprotip for everyone on here who doesn't have a bike but wants one
don't fall for either the gay hipster steelframe commuter shit on /n/ or cop out and buy a Trek fredsled
Look for a frame on your own, either a good aluminum or carbon fiber frame and build it out yourself. If you're going to own a bike as a way to be independent, you need to know how to fix it, which means running cabling, adjusting your derailleurs, fitting and replacing brakes, swapping cassettes, and pressing BB's and headset bearings.
Get your legs and hips measured and get a seat fitted for your sit-bones, and pick out cranks that match your leg length.
get a good set of rims in 700x28C with road tires, and you will be able to go 90% of places on earth. Don't fall for the gravel meme. They're just roadbikes with big tires.
take care of it and it will take care of you