•You worship a Semitic, monotheistic deity יהוה from the Middle East Levant
•YHVH, Yahweh יהוה , Elohim, meaning the Living God in Hebrew, along with his other 7 Hebrew names mentioned in the Bible
•Claim your "Holy Lands" are a jewish desert in the Middle East that you fight and crusade for, instead of your natural, ancestral homelands such as Europa, Hyperborea Thule and the forests
•Speak in Hebrew tongue; hallelujah, amen, "messiah," these are words not indigenous to you
•In your own lore claim descent from hebrews such as Noah and the Seed of Abraham
•Charlemagne and the Franks wholesale slaughtered 4,500 surrendered Saxons for not worshiping yahweh יהוה
•Your spiritual existence revolves around Bethlehem and a rabbi