>>14680242>Dude the people have literally never risen up against great injustice before lmfaoBased retard.
Political campaigning is basic marketing, the more defensible or attractive your position, the easier to market. But make no mistake, if you don't bother to market the idea properly to the people, you were honestly better saying nothing. Martin Luther understood this, Joan of Arc understood this, Gandhi understood this, Martin Luther King Jr. understood this, and the founding fathers understood this.
This is the entire crux of the WEFs success, their opposition has been literal loony bin patients that conflate the WEFs efforts with absolute insanity. You instantly lose people when you conflate an extranational organizations efforts to subvert world governments with the guy who runs your local bagel shop. The fact that stark raving insane rednecks have been the main opposing force for WEF in the last 50 years is the entire reason that they've become so confident that they're simply out in the open now.
If you retards are so intent on steering the ship you need to clean up your act and become the Martin Luther's and Gandhi's that the world is going to need to unify against this shit. If you want to keep being raving retards in your moms basement talking about sacred geometry wizards and antichrists and jewish plans to bring about the end times you would honest to god do your cause better to not even fucking speak. A revolution needs exceptional people to step forward, none of you people are willing to swallow the hard pills you need to, like unifying the political divide in the west. Using the internet to specifically bridge the cultural gaps between citizens of the west, russia, and china and bring them together in friendship. Create relationships with those in nations far away from the worlds stage's eyes to have eyes and hands on the outside. Or to establish propaganda disseminating institutions.