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hombrecord's cringey deflection techniques

ID:Go9mgg5B No.14702639 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
When ever you call him or any of his other pathetic discord goons out they will always "ironically" agree with you to make it sound as if its all a joke.
For example
Anon: Hey look at this discord screen cap that shows youre actively coordinating an artificial shift in /bant/'s culture
Faghomo/banttf2cord goon: ON NO BROS THIS IS REAL WERE SO BTFO
Anon: No this isnt a joke stop deflecting this is real evidence that youre trying to destroy bant
Faghomo/banttf2cord goon: Aryan otaku bros its over XD
These types of deflection tactics were common in middle school which just goes to show how underage these discord trannies are.