>>14756053>Is CBD legit or a Jew snake oil?yes and no. real full spectrum cbd oil from a high cbd producing cannabis plant, with all the accomnpanying cannabinoids such as THC(most known) still in the extract. basically just a regular cannabis extract, but from a high CBD strain.
but a lot of CBD oils and products are made from hemp instead and hemp has much lower cannabinoid levels across the board, including CBD and THC and thus even if you get say 10 mg of this kind of CBD product it will have minute, almost non existent traces of the other cannabinoids.
CBD, and cannabinoids in general can provide benefit when isolated but their benefits compound when you take a full plant extract with all the cannabinoids still present.
so in states with legalized weed you will have lots of snake oil out there but also some quality real cbd products.
but in states where pot is still illegal but you see CBD advertised its going to be almost entirely a snake oil market as its all going to be the hemp-derived kind of cbd thats just weaker and not as effective - if you get that at all - because cbd oils are pretty much entirely unregulated in non-cannabis-legalized states where as there is SOME regulation and oversight in the states with some legalization.
in reality all you can do is do some research of whats available for you to buy, buy some, and try it out for yourself. there are too many varieties, scams, and legitimate cbd products out there for any one to you - or even i, who works in the industry - to give a completely definitive answer. just be wary. dont buy shit in gas stations or weird little smoke shops run by faggots. will be guaranteed garbage. if your state has any kind of medical cannabis program - try to find someone who can get you some from a medical dispensary source. that will be your best chance at getting something real to try.