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ID:5Wry6evp No.14761416 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I remember my school days pretty well… one day more than others. There was a science fair that day and one of my neighbors had a few items she brought home from it, one of them being a funnel. Her, two other neighboring girls and her sister all shared the bus stop with me. Well, it was like any other after school day and I was walking home from the bus stop. I could see them giggling behind me, they were playing around with the items, putting the funnel on their heads like a hat. I paid no mind and walked away alone. Next thing I heard was “GET HIM!” and all 4 of them began to chase me. I lived in a heavily wooded area so I darted into the woods to try to escape, eventually finding shelter behind a large rock. I thought I was safe until one of them poked their head over from on top of the rock and exclaimed, “gottcha!” She was stronger than me at the time, a field hockey player, and was able to hold onto me until the others arrived. Without hesitation the began to rip off all of my clothes and bound me, gagging my screams with a pair of panties. I struggled but couldn’t break free. I felt them lift my legs into the air and then the cold nozzle of the funnel was pushed into my rectum. Tears flowed down my cheeks, but they refused to stop. Manically laughing amongst themselves, the sister of my neighbor pulled her pants down and slid her panties aside and began to urinate into the funnel. I could feel the warm liquid rush into my anus. I struggled even more but the more I tried the more they resisted. After she completed her dirty deed, the other 3 rotated between holding me down and urinating into my hole. Once they were all done they gave me a stern warning that I would never speak of this again or next time would be worse. To this day I can no longer go into that area of the woods for the traumatizing memories it brings.