>>14788986just fucking kill it. say it attacked
you.no one, i mean no one is going to shed any tears. no judge is going to send you to prison for killing a dog, especially for your first offence.
i was in a local hardware store about 3 years ago that allows pets. this fucking bitch had her shitbull there off its leash. it rushed me, started growling and then lunged. i booted it in the head, and starting smashing it with a metal pipe thing for a bathroom sink drain. she called the cops on me. they pratically fucking laughed after looking at the video and warned her if they had any more incidents with her dog they would recommend to local animal control officer to put it down.
about five years ago, about a block away from where i live is an elementary school. some retards dog got loose there and was biting kids after school at a crosswalk. cops came, got the dog, and we never saw it again. owner fined. dog killed.
i dont think the cops think much of out of control dogs any more then we do. nobody is going to jail for killing a dog, not unless you nail it to the lampost and skin it alive. just hit it in the head with a baseball bat. obviously dont use a firearm.