>>14811077Huge Plandemic News: Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor 'Metabiota' specializing in deadly pathogen research [Involves CIA, Bill Gates, DARPA, the CCP & more]
Here's the summary:
- Hunter Biden is probably a pedophile (unconfirmed) with many links to the CCP. He secured funding for Metabiota, which specializes in “research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons.”
- Metabiota is funded by CIA, Google, DARPA, Gates, US DoD, etc., and was founded by a World Economic Forum Global Leader.
- Metabiota is an advisor to various United Nations organizations, including the World Health Organization.
- Metabiota’s founder wrote a book called The Dawn of a New Pandemic Age, which was dedicated to Jeffrey Epstein and one of Bill Gates’ advisors.
- Metabiota was accused of mishandling the ebola epidemic and “messing up the entire region” by the government of Sierra Leone.
- Metabiota-affiliated EcoHealth Alliance was working hand-in-hand with the Chinese government to research COVID viruses in Wuhan (perhaps alongside Metabiota).
- Metabiota and EcoHealth were used by the UN and Western ruling class to shut down any theories that COVID was leaked from the CCP-controlled Wuhan Institute of Virology.
- Project Veritas claimed that COVID was a DARPA project developed in a Wuhan lab.
- DARPA was also instrumental in the development of RNA COVID vaccines, which began years before the scamdemic outbreak.
All sources in article: