This is all part of the loss of the Reserve status
The changing of the World Order by Ray Dalio [Embed]
Tell-a-Lie-vision is very powerful And they constructed a reality, a narrative to distract from the true reality Ray tells so well
This has been becoming better know for awhile. In my opinion this doesnt end in the U.S. fighting a foreign nation this time the end is the U.S. dealing with chaos on its mother land.
Those seeking to overthrow the government will be plastered on the tell-A-Lie vision as domestic terrorists. An even bigger threat than Russia or China
Just remember how The U.S. decided to handle the the Slow decline and eventual loss of of its Reserve status. It chose to economically bully all the other nations impoverish those countries people and milititarilly invade them INSTEAD they could have been readying the U.S. public for this eventuality.
ANd thats why I wont be mad about those domestic terrorists. sympathizer?