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The Golden Pill: The Cure Is Within You

ID:Xv+LYKhg No.14824943 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
This thread is not for narrow minded people who are not willing to consider that everything we have ever been taught is a lie. Only for people who question everything. Personally i am consuming my morning midstream urine for a week now. My acne and scars have almost faded, i don't feel aches all over my body anymore, my sleep quality has improved drastically and i am feeling as energetic and alert as ever. Do your own research.

So called modern medicine just loves to create MYTHS about what happens in the body when they usually don't have the faintest idea, and sometimes when they do, they purposely mislead people away from finding the truth that competes with the overcontrol of people's medical involvement in their lives.
Who tells us kidneys flush toxins? doctors do. Wouldn't trust them to lance a boil on my big toe.

From what little I've learned, the statement about kidneys flushing toxins out of the system is erroneous. It's the liver that filters toxins out of your system. Your kidneys balance the nutritional fluid levels of the lymph, plasma and other watery substances in your body so they are at optimum levels for osmotic nutrient transfer in and out of your tissues. The liver is what excretes toxins and those end up in your feces to be "wasted" out the end of your alimentary canal.

Just like your parents told you never overfeed your fish, your cells cannot be overfed or they get poisoned. Urine is the body's way of removing the excess nutrient concentration from your system in a healthy way.

The true miracle is FREE!