>>14837870J J K
Final Bosses of Transphobia here on the scene.
Trans Excluding Radfems
Sexual reassignment
All you coomers, pedophiles, and incels
Your DDoSing of my forum is fucking erver!
This track is for you!
Stay out of my bathroom, you nasty troons!
Why would anyone be proud to be trans?
You're all ugly men with reduced life spans.
I'm Josh Moon, representing TERF pride.
I dump ugly troons in stink ditches world wide.
Control the site, control the coins,
No surgery will disguise your loins.
You're all hairy and smell, you'll go straight to hell,
Now return to the discord in which you dwell.
Rowling here, with a story to share.
About the manchildren who live under the stairs.
You put in no effort to hide your disgrace.
You can't even shave the soy beard off your face!
There are only two genders. You're mentally ill.
You just want to prey on young women and girls.
Come midnight, all you trannies will learn:
This is one witch you can't burn!
Go back to Reddlt, you annoying fags.
You use your thigh socks as cum rags.
Even without snipping off your bellends
Each one of you will be genetic dead ends!
They flaunt their fetish all over the place!
Don't let these nonces into our space!
Protect your girls! Protect your women!
Don't let them be Discord kittens!
Every troon should commit 42.
Especially that annoying faggot named Byuu!
While I am loathe to support an Anglo,
At least she knows that these troons have to go!
They ruined Google because of their kink!
Dump all their tiddy skittles right down the sink!
Your bangers got mashed by a shitskin pajeet!
Maybe that's why their cunts always reek!
Stop watching anime, you creepy pretenders.
There are two genders.
There are two genders.
Even without dicks,
You all pass like bricks.
There are two genders.
There are two genders.
Your hair will recline,
In your room you're confined,
Now cope and dial 8 on trans lifeline!
Fuck HRT, take the T E R F
Until there are no trannies left!