>>14855686Friendly reminder that most hate against "Christianity" is justified by it having nothing to do with Jesus in the first place; The catholic church is a globohomo tool and worships demons; And most other denominations hide behind the name "christian" but are all just another form of islam, jews, buddhist..
True Christianity means trusting on Christs sacrifice, that he has already paid the price for your sins.
Here are the various forms of "faith alone" that trick people:
It's by faith alone, but you also must turn from your sins
It's by faith alone, but true faith is never alone
It's by faith alone, but it's a faith that works
It's by faith alone, but you must make Jesus the Lord of your life
It's by faith alone, but you receive the new birth in water baptism
It's by faith alone, but it has to be a 'heart faith' rather than a 'head faith'
It's by faith alone, but you must keep the Law or the Sabbath
It's by faith alone, but you can't just live however you want
It's by faith alone, but if you don't have good works you never truly believed
It's by faith alone, but if you misbehave you give back your Salvation
It's by faith alone, but if you disagree with my doctrine you couldn't be saved
It's by faith alone, but if you're truly saved, there will be some change in your life
It's by faith alone, but if someone is truly saved they won't live in sin
It's by faith alone, but faith encompasses obedience to Christ
It's by faith alone, but if you ever stop believing you never really believed at all
It's by faith alone, but if you can't stop a certain sin, you were never truly saved
Works don't save you, but if you don't have them, you aren't truly saved
Works don't save you, but they prove that your faith is genuine
Salvation is a gift, but it will cost you everything
Salvation is a gift, and all you have to do is give your life/heart to Christ.
Salvation is absolutely free, all you have to do is repent of your sins