Quoted By:
No one:
Absolutely nobody:
Still nobody:
Not a single soul:
Literally no one in the whole universe:
Not even tk47:
Stupid Barneyfag: *Makes a GR15-breaking post*
Lee Goldson: I'm about to end this mans whole career
[everyone disliked that]
MLP Royal Guards: Wait that's illegal
British scum: Ok that was lowkey on point
Pickle Twilight Sparkle: *slaps roof of thread* Spike did I ever tell you about the time I turned myself into a pony pickle? It was an epic moment.
Spike: *Is retarded*
JustPassingThrough: *Passes through*
Señor Huevos: Don't google the MLP friendship is magic episode "Make New Friends but Keep Discord"
[Lee googles "Make New Friends but Keep Discord"]
Dj Vinyl Scratch: Congratulations Lee, you just played yourself
Rainbow Dash: *flies past lee* OOOHH I dont care what universe you're from that's GOTTA HURT
[everyone laughed]
Princess Celestia: You're breathtaking!
Ban-evading Argentinian: I bet I can take on Lee
Lee Goldson/x86x2: You sure about that
Lee Goldson/x86x2: Stabs all barneyfags and rips all their intestines
Squidward_mouth_open_awestruck.jpg: Wait that's illegal
[Everyone liked that]
CIA: am I a joke to you?
Stewie Griffin: There's no way leebaiting can be good agai....
FILTHYFRANC: Hold my beer
CC joined the chat
DRWolf: So... Lee Goldson, what's on your mind?
David Joyner: Welcome to the dark side of MLP
Homer Simpson: MaRgE i'M cOnFuSeD