>>14863483Can be quiet if I want to, am introverted but not anxious
Weak jaw, but not mockably so. Definitely not /pol/ or nordic prussian ethnicity.
What are the standards regarding mental fortitude? How much mental fortitude do I need?
I get my somersbys in 10 packs, you get more for less. Bitch obviously doesnt know shit about money. Red flag detected.
I guess you could say my family is good.
Mums not "cool" but she's nice, definitely.
Who the fuck is ambidextrous????? Imagine being the femcel detached from reality so much that being in the one percent of absolute genetic freaks is not only desirable, but a requirement for dating. If a guy posted half of these things you would have 100 girls in the comment section calling him a virgin freak and a sexist. Trust me, these comments were locally sourced, replicated to ensure reliability and witnessed by a very large amount of people. Sydney isnt even the feminist capital of australia.
I can checkmate in two moves, wtf is this 27 moves bullshit. Imagine the loser memorising 27 moves of opening theory just to impress some dumb roastie who expects the world from you despite not having anything to offer apart from her pussy.
What kind of puzzle? Some are based and some are not. She would know that if she was worth anything.
Not an engineer, have my bachelors in a different field.
Dont really care about videogames, dont really play them but why the fuck would I hate them? To impress basic roastie #4747483?
Dogs are great and she is gay, not only for not dating men unless they are the true pinnacle of masculinity, as observed by a crazy woman with a genetically devious hand fetish, but also because she likes cats more than dogs.
I would say im reasonably pragmatic
I earn an average wage right now, why the fuck does she care how much I earn? Is she a golddigger?