I'm glad you know so much about one website.
>What hardware are you accessing this website from>What software does your hardware say it isThese are just a few questions you should be asking yourself when accessing
If you are going to privatise your browsing with a VPN, you're just heading it to a private entity which will hopefully have all the legal bullshit in place to make gaining access to that data lucrative for the company while also blocking legitimate government programs from accessing that data (and whoever else is 'watching') while simultaneously building up a more complex and less generic internet footprint for your internet habits.
If someone is trying to get less people to hear what you are doing on the internet and is trying to ananymise your presence on the internet, they are trying to find a loophole where taking advantage of you becomes a statistic (or AI driven) opportunity. Why do you care if some asshole with nothing better to do harvest your information and why would you trust the company that runs a VPN service not to employ psychopaths.
>If they are trying to anonymise and isolate you, they are probably trying to put you at some kind of disadvantage and in extreme cases, have absolute control over you while no one knows where you are (i.e. the rape/torture dungeon).But please, continue talking about internet 'safety' and how VPNs 'protect' your data.
inb4 legion
inb4 anonymous