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This angers and confuses the poltard

No.14888743 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Q predicted everything. Its obviously a time traveling computer but shills on here hav to git gud boi shekels
Literally the entire world knows what qanon is even if they never read the drops (which they undoubtedly will when the big guy gets indicted).
Let's compare and contrast, shall we?
one of the most popular memes on 4chan, yet literally no one outside of 4chan has ever heard of it.. and it was stolen from the Simpsons anyways.
Completely original, literally a computer/human hybrid from the future shitposting in the present to alter timelines. Jewish mafia is confused and angered by it, constantly kvetch about it. Q becomes household letter.
Who memed it better? I think the time traveling AI/human hybrid. Are glowniggers just MAD? LMAO ARE GLOWNIGGERS JUST MAD? HAHAHAHHAHHA GLOWNIGGERS ARE JUST MAD!!!
>inb4 2 MORE WEEKS
time isn't linear. Q never said 2 more weeks. Its just something confused niggerfaggots say when they realize they can't refute anything Q said. This is called moving the goal posts and only fedniggers do it.