>>14895410owning an animal for your own amusement is incredibly selfish. committing a living being to a life of servitude just because you are so emotionally inept that you need "companionship" from an animal. protip, they dont love you, they are just suffering from stockholm syndrome. they only like you because you give them food. they dont see you as a companion - a human not suffering from mental retardation doesnt have their emotional needs met by an animal.
i swear dogs understand how demeaning it is for a human to go around picking up their poop. they jsut see you as their personal poop retriever
>>358446212>society was better off when this emotional 'hole' that pets are supposed to fill was filled with childrenthis
like the crazy old cat lady who has lots of cats because she never had any kids
or the single lady who has some big doberman, because shes so riddled with feminism that she is a misandrist, so she buys a dog with a huge penis, so she cut off its balls and make it perform tricks because deep down thats what she wants to do to every alpha male she meets, because she wants to be the pack leader.
or how men use bitches as replacement for the disloyal whores that modern women have become
but yh that disney / don bluth all dogs go to heaven bullshit. where people empathising with anthropomorphic characters has turned a generation into furies
>hurr durr my dog loves me, its a sacred bondno, youve been tricked into thinking that an animal is your soul mate when you could be forming actual relationships with people, not literal sub humans, and to turning your hard earn slave tokens into dog shit
not to take away animals rights to live as sovereign free spirits. but they dont belong in your house, they are not a member of your family, and to use them as an emotional blanket isnt justified