>>14912121Why did Rome or the Roman Empire give people "Bread and Circuses"?
Why does US Culture emphasize Hollywood, Drugs, Sex, Materialism... promote militarization,... promote sports on TV,... Promote Soccar Moms and busy schecudles for families. Used to be moms could take care of the home, but now we need 2 incomes in families to avoid living in a ghetto. Laws and Govts are heavy in rules, policies, guidelines, centralized pandemic rules, WTO Trade Rules.... 50% of our purchases of goods have excise taxes that go to the Govts. Tax rules are like 74,000 pages long and Federal Register is like 75,000 pages long.
See a pattern yet? Like Fascism or Communism being used to implement Globalism, Global Govt?
Govt keep commoners so busy they don't know what the Unis, MSM are not telling them. That the DC, London, Berlin, Frankfurt Politicians are lying. That Corporations deceive them. That Bankers are Evil slavers. That history was not reported correctly so that the History Books could be Faked i.e. by politicians scamming the people.
Now the Oligarchs are leveraging technology in all ways to protect themselves from prosecution, jail, exile, stripping of their assets,... exposure as Grifters.
Yeah, Passports, Digital Money Surveillance, Social Credit Scores by WTO Centralized Authorities or Cartels. (Bankers, Foundations, Elites, Rich People, Minions, Lackeys)