>>14921335Big problem is USA is really corrupt.
- MSM Is lying about everything about Pandemic
- Central Banks are destroying the US Dollar
- There was not War Chest for Aghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, 7 nations in 5 years... now $8 Trillion is gone and still climbing
- Wash DC is lead by Communist, funded by Fascist Corporation, Banks, and Big Tax Free Foundations
- We have no more principals or the conservative values that are required for all orgianization or govt to manage budgets. We started using Continuing Resolutions and Omnibus devices instead of actually doing full federal budget reviews... it is all fake, there is no budget process as required by law.
On and one. Globalists like WEF are offering you UBI and neofeudalism, serfdom, peonage... people came to USA to own property and get freedome and rights.
Now don't get me wrong here. I hate the current system because it feels like no one prepared me for a career, no training, no help w school work even. I had a nuclear family... no Grandparents nearby to help, no uncles to help,... no adults really since my father scared the shit out of me and kept busy all the time... then mom started working when I was like 11 years old.
I have to work in a slave system... call it an english system or a jooish system whatever... and you always have to work for mandatory insurance, car, gasoline, car maintenence, property taxes, all kinds of complicated tax rules...
covid 19 was and end to Capitalism, Independent Political Power, mIddle class wealth being destroyed, small biz being destroyed... economic lock down is capitalism locked down by Elites and Oligarch for globalism and the great reset.