>>14926864>>14926862>>14926863>>14926870no nation's people want to be warmongers, colonialists, imperialists. We want to be isolationist Nationalists w conservative govt budgets, sound money, a body of law that is old that we hold on to so we have rights, liberties, freedoms.
All Govts appear to be bad, but people are just people all over the world... Mostly people just want income, to take care of their wife and kids, feed the kids, buy clothes and stuff for kids... and that might mean living in a simple house and taking public transpo or driving an old care. Maybe that means the mother get $500 US Dollars a month for house work for some foreigner or middle class family.
Basically US-Anglo Empire has central bank set up to print endless money for endless war. There is no exit strategie to US War going back to UN-US-Vietnam War when the US picked up after 50 years of Indochina war there (why?) The Defense Contractors are called Privateers. War is about destroying weapons and bombs and continually ordering and funding more logicstics and weapons.
Voting no longer matters in UK, AUS, NZ, CA, USA, Germany, France... we don't have a choice about what our govt does. Ukraine looks the same way, nationalized the press, Zelinsky acts like Trudeau.
Ordinary Russians have been bombed by Ukraine since 2015.
But Putin could be a Globalist like the Central Banks and like all Western Nations. He waited like 7 years to move into Ukraine??