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Aryan chad is playing /bant/oids like a fiddle

ID:kmYuBXmB No.14928380 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Dont you fucking retards even understand whats going on. There is no discord war, or trannies. Its 10 teenagers using falseflags, and advanced manipulation tactics to try, and make this board their touhou discord circlejerk playground.
The first thing aryan chad needed to do when he wanted to take over this board was to create a dichotomy between himself, and the 2020 discord circlejerkers like reimu and the moldovan. Despite the fact that their posting styles and discord faggotry is on par with eachother. The "circljerkers trannies" Like the elffaggot. and the slovakian only serve as shadow enemy for aryan chad's "otakus" to fight against, since they are all universally hated. None of them are actually as trannyish as they pretend to be. They hype up their circlejerky behavior, to make their allies (the otaku discord) look good. There is no separator between the two. They are literally on the same side.
The second thing aryan chad needed to do was to subvert the opposition. Theres more obvious signs of him doing this like replying "tmst" to every anti aryan chad thread to make it look like one big joke. Touhou pe, and big brain sawuko pe were psyops by aryan chad, not only to mix jp trash with qa culture, but also to make it look like the frogposting complainers were on his side, and to make them look like they were just aryan chads discord orbiters making up fake drama for attention. This ended up being true however. About 50% of the frogposting threads that mention aryan chad are ones made by his goons. Bantoids are too stupid to realize this but ac makes sure his minions always post pepes with the sawuko hat on so that he knows which anti aryan chad threads to bump, and which ones to slide. Ofc hes going to bump this thread most likely as to not look suspicious.
If you want to save bant from becoming an actual discord circlejerk like it was in 202 0 than just filter aryan chad. Let this thread be the last one you see that mentions him.