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ID:lQIWuDDD No.14936874 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Today I will tell you jokes.

Two transgender are fighting over noose, they pull out their knife and one kills the other. He says "FUCK! I should've just let him kill me instead."

Transgender man says "my egg crack on that day" but he is man without eggs!

Man is alone on bus with two transgender men and the bus crashed. the news reports say only one human being and two animals died

Alien comes down from space to eat humans he eats 500 transgender men he goes back to spaceship to tell friends of how many humans he ate they say "You idiot you did not eat any humans!"

5 transgender men forced into hard larbor camp, the government come and say "You can't enslave humans" camp owner says "what humans?"

3 people are at dog show one man says "my dog can open door" other man says "my dog can do back flip" third man says "my dog thinks he is a woman!"