>>14940304All of the manlet faggots crying about pussy are like the tranny faggots crying about not being a woman. The grass is always greener. Even if you got some pussy, your life would just be remarkably worse.
It baffles me as to how you subhumans could actually DESIRE the company of a woman or sex. That shit gets old quick, it costs a lot of money, and after about a week you stop wanting the pussy at all and just want to murder the bitch for being an insufferable sack of shit, a rotten worthless whore, and a needless burden on finances.
>be peasants>pay money to lease dumpster-quality pussy>??>pussy is some ASPCA commercial pussy>pussy is some Old Yeller pussy, needed to be euthanized 10 years ago>pussy is a menace to society and your life>pussy gives you diseases>pussy walks out and steals your shit>pussy doesn't shut the fuck up>pussy demands money and attention>pussy has a handgun of litigation to your head at all times>pussy protected by White Knight Simp Army>pussy doesn't even feel good>you hate the bitch so much the pussy feels like putting your dick in garbageThe reason why I'm pro-child-rape and pro-murder is not because I desire high quality pussy or see myself as superior to women. It's just out of pure disgust, I'm just trying to euthanize the kids before the Old Yeller kids rot and decay to zombie level subhumans go out and get every other child-whore sick with the same psychological diseases that define Western women.
If you honestly think that you "want pussy", look at the tranny faggots. Did they really "become women" did they get "what they wanted"? Your experience of "getting pussy" will look like the disgusting tranny monsters, not like your little anime girl fantasies. It's a fucking shitshow, and if 99% of peasants weren't subhuman farm animals, they wouldn't have any interest in putting up with the cancer upon ones own life that is the burdensome social-sexual relationship.