>>14956527Shitshow all around. Crusaders, Muslims, and Byzantines spent more energy fighting and scheming within their own ranks than they did on fighting the supposed enemy. The only one that was remotely successful was the First (captured Jerusalem), but only because the Muslims were embroiled in a major Sunni/Shiite civil war, and the Crusaders spent more time jockeying for power over captured cities that they were supposed to deliver back to the Byzantines in the first place. Shoetly after the First, J town was lost again because they couldn’t get it together to defend. No subsequent Crusades captured J town (only the Third came close but that was Richard the “lionheart” deciding TWICE to get within 10 miles before noping out. Second ended before it began, and Fourth ended up with Crusaders sacking Byzantium. All during this time there were secret deals between muslim and crusader leaders to gut their own internal rivals. Absolute waste of time, reaources, and manpower all around, leasing to 3 centuries of needless bloodshed and beginning a tradition for the muzzies to still be lissed about a thousand years later.