>>14996010some brand of personal planner. we looked at the word 自分 today and someone asked if that's what the ジブン in ジブン手帳 is but they didn't actually own one and the prof didn't know what the fuck they were talking about. it took about 5 minutes to discern the words 自分 and 手帳, then the prof thought they were asking about a potential compound word so it took another 3 minutes or so to determine it was actually a brand
hmm i see. fortunately my skills are increasing at such a rate that i'm capable of discerning such things through context anyway
i watched the whole video but still don't really believe this philosophy. grammar is one thing, but with simultaneous learning it seems like u'd be likely to just confuse similar words across languages and would benefit more from getting 3x as much comprehensible input for one language first
in the end i think if ur pursuing multiple it's best to learn 1 until ur at a level that u can use that one to learn another. for example trying to learn about は/が and 은/이 at the same time in english isn't necessarily advisable but if ur proficient in jap then their explanation of 은/이 is probably much easier to comprehend
>>14996063i don't know, it's genuinely stressing me out a lot so i've decided to try not to think about it any more until we just play
hul, that's rough
>>14996072well sure it's one thing if they don't WANT to sit around rolling dice with their limited free time, but scheduling conflict memes are saying that the players DO want to spend their time each week, but either don't have any free time or that free time does not overlap at all
i don't really think so. the part fast food is cutting out is assembling batter or bread crumb seasoning or whatever which is very different than just tossing a burgy on the grill.