>>1506408Well if you don't bother reading what I've said, yet still try and argue, it's fair to say you're an attention seeking retard that can't understand what's going on around him but wants to be a part if it anyway.
Oh no... a group didn't get all possible aspirations given to them...
You're legit fucked in the head.
Not a single one of my, nor anybody I knows aspirations were given to them.
One of my aspirations was to help people and that's the course I worked towards and achieved... and you know what I learned in the end after years of trying...
You can't help them.
I know this, and pretty.much everybidy in that sector knows this.
You suggested one half thiught out idea and think you have it all figured out?
I've been working towards what you want for years along with thousands other people.
Nothing works.
It alwats ends the same way, and we aren't even allowed to talk about it because that's racist.
Even though acknowledging it is the only way anything has any hope of changing.
You have no idea of the depth and scope of the problems let alone how to address them.
What are you basing your ideas and opinions on?
Because I highly doubt it can compare to over a decade of personal experience working in that field combined with the experiences if HundreDs of others I've worked with over that time.
It's good to have an idea, and ideals, but if you don't have experience just shut the fuck up because all yourRe doing is impressing other idiots that have no idea and insulting those that actually do.