>>15021216NEETs happen when the culture around a person who is coming of age invests nothing in them and gives them no purpose. Yes it's down to parenting, but parenting is also borne of culture.
Incels happen (And this is also dude to parenting more than culture) when a male child is made to be so socially isolated, he doesn't happen upon a sexual experience.
The people who are having sex arent ultra wealthy super-chads. The people who claim that are people who are playing a pschological trick on themselves.
The people who are having sex are hyper-social people. So then what is the difference between people who are hypersocial and those who aren't?
People who are hypersocial weren't moved a lot, if at all, as children. They were socialized properly and were given ample time to socialize away from their parents. They are also normie as fuck and take part in normie activities, they are not intellectually driven.
Inceldom is an easy thing to explain without all the CNN-types making sweeping claims of incompetence among a growing and genetically normal part of the male population.