>Sven left his wife, Ingrid, in order to attend another pro-immigrant rally
>Once again, the poor Ingird was left alone while her husband contributed to the decay of her country and culture
>She usually would go to the forest and write poetry of her own, it was in a forest that she had the most astonishing encounter of her life
>After a while, she started to feel warm and heated up, it seemed impossible since everything was covered in snow...
>"What's happening" - tought Ingrid
>Suddenly a lascive Em chord echoed troughout the pinetrees
>A dark handsome man appeared in front of her holding a rose in his teeth and in a exquisite and gracious way he offered her his most precious flower
>"Como tu, esta flor es la inspiracion para mis canciones de amor, dolor y pasion, querida Ingrid" - said the luxurious man
>Ingrid was mesmerized... Never she witnessed such demonstration of "amor ardente" in the frozen cucked lands of Sweden
>The man, filled with lust and pasion embraced Ingrid like a passionate, strong and gracious bull from the warm plains of the mediterranean
>Ingrid just let herself be possessed by the angel of luxury and her orgasms became a perfect simbyose with the pro-immigration rally portests
>Ingrid passed out after such pleasure and was now riding with the valkyries in the chariot of joy
>As the immigrants raped inocent swedish women a single girl was left pleased and satisfied in the snows of Sweden
>Her name was Ingrid and her lover was
>Fernando Martinez