Globalists are involved, so I say the War is planned off-shore like in this Video 8 minutes in to start Bobby Graves is Historian and says the French and British caused the US Civil War for their Industrialization. (Awesome)(gets into Kzars) War Confirmed. [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Democide Confirmed. Hidden History Confirmed. Eugenics Confirmed. Black Pope Confirmed.(Don't Heal w God he says take the Jab - just what a Jesuit would say)
I decided that Ukraine is becoming New Kazaria.
Bolsheviks are "The Name Stealers" and would pose as Trump Supporters or Nazis. Ukraine and Kazakstan used to be part of Kazaria 1200 years ago. Now Kazrs are fully infested in US Govt & US Banking.
USA is doing the work destroying Nations for the Kazrs. In this case looks like a New World War.
Vatican, City of London, Central Banks, Warmongers, Wall Street, Front Men, Weapons Dealers, Kazrs.
Scottish Highlands Land Clearing
Great Irish Famine
Great East Indian Famine
All USSA Wars since Spanish American War
Hungary is not Run by Kazrs.
Soon Kazrs will clear the land and cities of Ukraine. jajaja... Russians and Uke Govt are causing mass migration. Globalist $Profit$
Resource Capture for the KZRS.