The "holocaust" did not happen.
There were no "death camps" (all camps investigated by the western allies were found not to have been death camps, all those claimed to be death camps today were behind the iron curtain for decades, and we know how much the soviets love to tell the truth and not mess with evidence, see: Katyn Massacre), "gas chambers" (Forensically, chemically, mechanically, and archeologically examined in the 80s and 90s, those at Auschwitz and Majdanek could not have ever functioned, and did not ever function, as gas chambers for the extermination of hundreds of people per day, the stories of those at Treblinka are impossible on their face, Dachau isn't claimed to be a death camp now, but it's still claimed there are unused gas chambers there, once claimed by the allies to have been used), there are no documents, plans, budgets, no personal diaries suggest any planned mass extermination of any people whatsoever (there simply exists no proof that a state-sanctioned plan to mass exterminate any people ever existed, and you can't say "well they burned all the evidence!!" because we cracked their codes and intercepted their transmissions, including those coming from the camps, and still no evidence as such reveals itself), no speech indicates as much (regardless of your malicious mistranslations), aerial photos indicate none of what was claimed to have been going on, mathematically, the cremation of that many people, in the time alleged, with the facilities present at the camps, while fighting a two-front war with heavily stressed and bombed-out supply lines (so you know they weren't getting the amount of fuel necessary to cremate that many people), is impossible, they'd still be cremating bodies to this day if the number were true, and there's a lot more than this.