>4chan>/bant/ - International/Random?Reply to Thread
>[Original Form]>8/21/20 New boards added: /vrpg/, /vmg/, /vst/ and /vm/>05/04/17 New trial board added: /bant/ - International/Random>10/04/16 New board for 4chan Pass users: /vip/ - Very Important Posts>[Hide] [Show All]>[Index] [Catalog] [Bottom]>Dank meme.jpg (314 KB, 2266x1286) google yandex iqdb wait>314 KB >Newfag here Anonymous (ID: ZIvAiJ7r) 04/29/22(Fri)14:15:00 No.15080609
>>15080621>Fuck jannies, also made this literally 10 minutes ago but banned from pol until tomorrow because they know my IP address. >Anonymous (ID: ZIvAiJ7r) 04/29/22(Fri)14:16:44 No.15080614
>Also wanted to test to make sure pic posted as proper file size so it doesn't look like I posted a pic with an iPod Touch from 10 years ago. >Anonymous (ID: AAT2dEul) 04/29/22(Fri)14:17:16 No.15080616
>16185043109120.png (377 KB, 455x607) google yandex iqdb wait>377 KB>borderline boomer humor> Anonymous (ID: Q2EWaxyU) 04/29/22(Fri)14:18:32 No.15080618>what a poor use of white space> Anonymous (ID: LdIhSrxT) 04/29/22(Fri)14:19:20 No.15080621>>15080626>3DA005CE-374A-4BCD-AB17-8(...).jpg (105 KB, 960x952) google yandex iqdb wait>105 KB>>15080609 (OP)>banned from /pol/ddit>come to /bant/ as if we give a shit>Go lurk your Reddit containment circlejerk until you’re unbanned. Nobody wants you here and your “lol le epic maymay xD” is unoriginal trash that barely makes an effort to be funny. >Anonymous (ID: HO4utThJ) 04/29/22(Fri)14:21:29 No.15080626
>>15080621>umm, youre just an idiot faggot nigger liberal leftie fag!!!>Reply to Thread[Index] [Catalog] [Top] Update>Delete Post: [File Only] Style: >Yotsuba>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.>About • Feedback • Legal • Contact