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ID:rePURgt9 No.15081333 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>+ 6 posts omitted.
>Anonymous (ID: S8AkfS+f) >04/29/22(Fri)06:41:03 No.15080689
> peeing out of your mouth >doesn't sound that bad. the worst >is probably pathogens don't get >flushed out of your uthera. but >pooping out of your dick, >infection is pretty much >guaranteed, even if it's thin >spaghetti poops that don't split >your dick apart.
> so yeah, id rather pee out of >my mouth>
>Anonymous (ID: SDoyxTE5) >04/29/22(Fri)06:51:26 No.15080720>>>
> Am i allowed to simply not >eat for 2 weeks? If so I'll poop >out my cock, not eating that long >>>would be difficult yet >manageable under the >circumstances
>Anonymous (ID: gCwOeE2s) >04/29/22(Fri)10:01:41 No.15081209
>>> up25>>
>nas (20).jpg (2 KB, 20x20) google >>yandex iqdb wait
>2 KB
>Tiny images thread Anonymous (ID: >b7kQk4Fb) 04/29/22(Fri)06:42:16 >No.15080692 [1] [Reply]
> nas edition
>+ 2 posts and 2 image replies >omitted.
>Anonymous (ID: b7kQk4Fb) >04/29/22(Fri)06:46:44 No.15080705
>tiny troon (3).gif (77 KB, 5x5) >google yandex iqdb wait
>77 KB
>>>>Anonymous (ID: g0T70kv2) >04/29/22(Fri)06:47:27>