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ID:tBsd4Mxl No.15081348 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
> >>15080032 (OP)
> I went to high school with a >girl named Allison. Easily the >most beautiful woman I've ever >seen in my entire life to this >day. She was so smokin' hot i >remember wondering at the time >why she wasn't a cheerleader. We >were in geometry class one time >when she told the whole class >that my brother was hers. I >actually wasn't jealous or >envious of my brother for this, >the feeling i had was one of >bewilderment: "wow my bro might >get laid, but won't that fuck up >mom and dad's plans?" Besides my >crush was going to a different >high school and i just had so >much going on at the time that i >never helped her get with my >brother.
> Oh and one more memory i have >of Allison: i was walking from >the school parking lot to the >first class of the day with the >sun just coming up and >>illuminating the clouds in the >sky, when out of nowhere Allison >showed up and started walking >next to me. I swear bros she had >a waist like a queen honeybee and >such a spherical bootylicious >bottom, with small breasts that >must've looked like the juiciest >peaches you've ever seen. Her >lips were sooooo pouty... maybe >because i was such a faggy >cringelord who closed my eye so >as not to look at her and >distract myself from the ooooooh >so fucking important task of >learning to be a good little >wagecuck to the federal reserve.
> I wish that i could go back >to that moment when i was walking >next to her and explain to her >how thoroughly fucked up >everything was, but ... eh, that >would've just scared her away. >What to have said? To this day i >don't exactly know. I could have >told her that my brother wanted >her too and asked her if she knew >my crush named Laura at the other >school. Ah regrets. Such is life. >Goodnight, anons>>
>Anonymous (ID: wbEffytt) >04/29/22(Fri)10:01:58 No.15081210
> up26
>>1650629695574.png (408 KB, >1000x871) google yandex iqdb wait
>408 KB
>Anonymous (ID: pifTs+Jq) >04/29/22(Fri)06: