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Besically allies supported empire of japan before ww2 to take profits and rights of control of Manchuria from Russia and China.

Allies was using Japan as underdogs of proxy war against Russia and China at that time.

At first they Set The Anglo-Japanese Alliance which is a military alliance between Japan and Britain
>On January 30, 1902, in order to counter the Russian Empire's policy of entering the Far East.

The UK supported and actively helped by providing weapons , half of the War expenses and battle ships to THE EMPIRE OF JAPAN

Japan defeat of Russia in 1905 by the help from UK

And USA helped japan to have the peace process with Russia

But japan did not give enough intarests of Manchuria to allies, japan afraid they will attack japan from Manchuria

So allies ,especially international bankers,
get huge anger by it.
So allies did hardest economical sanctions on japan ,based on the Hull note.

Japan lost the suppey chain of the oil and iron. And almost being dead nation of hell.

And after that chinese military and terrorist started to attack japan at Manchuria by support of the Allies

So immediately, japan have to go to South East Asia , Central China and Central Asia to obtain the oil and iron of there and had to kick the European colonists out from there to survive no matter what

But USA had military base at Hawaii which is very near of japan
So japan did Pearl Harbor as self defense purpose which just attacked military base and not aimed at civilians.

USA used this as reason of attack japan as like exactly the same tactics of 911

USA did mass carpet bombing of Tokyo ,Osaka and every big city of japan and huge amounts of civilians were dead in fire.

And USA wanted to shot The Nclear weapon as an experiments to make the situation of cold war with Soviet to avoid full contact war

So unnecessary two atomic bomb was dropped on japan.

900,000 civilians were dead by the result of Atomic bomb and carpet bombing.