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No.15103809 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I was reading something (Picture) that goes that way: The left brain hemisphere is the logical linear-reasoning side of the brain that is responsible for evaluating information and then passing it to the right brain hemisphere, which is the non-reasoning, holistic, emotive part of the brain. When the left brain gets tired, it allows the left brain to let information to pass to the right brain without too much resistance, which renders someone vulnerable to hypnosis and suggestions. Now here it comes:

Have you ever seen how shills flood posts so much to the point of tiredness and speak the same catchphrases and terms even when they are proven to be shill terms (e.g "take your meds")? Is it to tire the left brain and render people into a "hypnotic" state through exposure to an excess of information?

Also, have you seen that they tend to make many dissonant posts? E.g "Pol will defend X", "Pol is against X", "Why does /pol/ like X", "Why does /pol/ does not like X", etc? Are they to induce cognitive dissonance through tiredness of the left brain?

What are the NLP implications of shill posts?

What parallels can the tiredness of the left brain be made with the CIA psychic drive?

Tip: Learn how to filter information