>>1511979Other than that, you could scout out other locations, such as Pitcairn (and it's neighboring island). The plus side is it's a small population the UK doesn't want to fuck with, and it's in the middle of fucking nowhere so people won't care what the fuck you are doing. The downside is that it has a tiny population and it's in the middle of fucking nowhere.
The other alternative is ocean-steading. You just build big platforms out on the ocean to put your city on. Downsides of course are cost, and seaworthiness. It can certainly be done technologically, it will just cost a shit load. The premise is already borne out with oil platforms and the like. Plus side is you are out on the ocean where no one has an existing claim. The other downside is, generally accepted world practice is any artificial structure (ship or otherwise) on the ocean has to be flagged by an existing state. If you are not flagged, you could be deemed a pirate, and open for destruction.
But really, such laws are academic. What would actually happen in a situation where large floating platforms, or platforms standing on the sea bed, claim sovereign status is up for grabs.
For an example, look at Sealand, although the people behind that really cocked up their opportunity.