why chocolate objectively isnt fucking chocolate and has noting to do with real chocolate, you dont even like white chocolate you like the 10 pounds of sugar and fat its made of, I want the fucking retard that decided to name that shit white chocolate to fucking suffer along side the fucking faggot that invented milk chocolate, you both of you and every one with the shit taste to put that dog shit in their mouth, you are a bunch of fake niggers that do not like chocolate but decided to ruin shit for every one who actually has taste and like real chocolate and I have to say real chocolate to differentiate real chocolate from your degenerate abominations against god, I hope you and every one involved in desecrating chocolate burn in a special place in hell you faggots dont enjoy taste you enjoy sugar and fat and have ruined sweets for every one,just pour bags of sugar down your throat untill you die since thats the life you chose for every one